March 23, 2022 2023-04-11 15:31Industry
UBM Industries

The company was initiated in 1998 on a firm belief that local industry brings economic growth and revenue once based on valid feasibility studies, advanced technology, specialized labor and scientific management. Along with public sector driving force, the private sector investments have always played a critical role in motivating and sustaining the economic growth of countries, bringing infusion of capital without overburdening the government budget. It introduces highly needed services and products and provides jobs and income to the community.
UBM company has started out as an agency specialized in animal feed additives and nutritional products that were otherwise imported from the outside. During 2006, the CEO of UBM, Professor Magdy Elsayed, was prompted by the need for specific animal vaccines following the sudden emergence of two devastating outbreaks in animals that broke out in Egypt: avian influenza (due to H5N1 virus) and a new subtype of foot and mouth disease (FMD) virus (SAT-2). Both killed more than one third of the bird and animal populations, leaving the rest completely vulnerable. Billions of pounds were lost during those outbreaks.

A that time, it was a dream to have a facility suitable for producing veterinary vaccines against the endemic fatal poultry and animal diseases. As a spin off the mother company UBM, the layout of a veterinary vaccine factory, The Middle East for Vaccines (MEVAC) was designed to meet the national and international codes in 2007. Construction activities to provide a state-of-the-art veterinary vaccine production plant took place at the 2nd industrial area, El-Salhya El-Gededa, El-Sharkya, Egypt. The plant was completed between 2008 and 2009. Equipment were imported from USA and Europe, installed by the end of 2010 and official opening for initial vaccine production took place in May, 2011.
The dream came true and MEVAC succeeded from its first days to produce the required protective vaccines, presenting the first and only veterinary vaccine production company in Egypt and the region. All products were manufactured according to international protocols and quality accreditations. Shortly, the construction of MEVAC building II was started in 2014 and was completed in 2017. This building was totally dedicated to producing inactivated and live attenuated poultry vaccines. On the other hand, the first building (Bldg-1) underwent some modifications and was devoted to producing tissue culture based- and bacterial vaccines.
During 2017, UBM also introduced a new branch for public health products, including cleaners, disinfectants, and a broad portfolio of other materials.
In the year 2019, the foundation stone of MEVAC Bldg-3 was laid, and construction processes are currently in progress for the production of avian influenza vaccines only.

The massive and protective products of MEVAC in the region have effectively attracted large investors from the USA (Kemin Industries) and the Arab investment development authority from the Gulf area to be stakeholders.
Meanwhile, UBM has started its newest investment in building “UBM Pharmaceutical”, a factory for producing food supplements, skin care materials, and human and veterinary supportive therapies. The plant will be officially launched by mid-2022. UBM also invested in EgyHolland??
More investments are being infused and now MEVAC stands out as the only multibillion in this field in the region, if not Africa, at large